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An Important Message from Farmer Tom Concerning the Future of Our Food

The following is an email that was sent to Farmer Tom concerning Monsanto and the future of our food from Food Democracy Now!:

Stop the Corporate Takeover of America: Tell Congress to Repeal the Monsanto Protection Act!

Dear Tom,

This week, an amendment to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act could be introduced in Congress by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) during the farm bill debate and we need your help to make sure this blatant corporate handout is no longer law.

The passage of the Monsanto Protection Act was the last straw for millions of Americans and citizens worldwide that are outraged over the continued corruption of our democratic institutions, the contamination of our environment and Monsanto’s relentless march to take over of our food supply.

The Monsanto Protection Act has been called the most outrageous corporate handout in recent history. You were one of the 300,000 Food Democracy Now! members that asked Congress and the White House to prevent it from becoming law last March and we need your help to repeal it today! Because of you, the effort to stop the secret provision has now become the rallying cry of a growing movement of everyday citizens around the world who are committed to stopping the corporate takeover of our food supply.

It’s time to put people before corporate profits. Help end Monsanto’s takeover of our government and protect farmers, your food and the environment. Every voice counts!

While Section 735 of H.R. 933 is scheduled to sunset at the end of September, the provision has already spawned similar effort to protect the planting of Monsanto’s GMO crops in several states, including Oregon, Missouri and North Carolina. If a provision similar to the Monsanto Protection Act is slipped into the current Farm Bill it could be law for a minimum of 5 years while seriously undermining family farmers’ ability to protect their crops from unwanted genetic contamination.

As Food Democracy Now! widely reported this spring, if the Monsanto Protection Act remains law it will strip federal courts of the authority to halt the sale and planting of potentially illegal and hazardous GMO crops while the U.S. Department of Agriculture reviews their potential risks to farmers and the environment. This represents not only a real risk to our food crops, but also to our democratic process, including judicial review.

Stop the Corporate Takeover of Our Democracy and our Food Supply!

As Congress is in the midst of the farm bill debate this week, Monsanto and biotech lobbyists are continuing to work behind closed doors to try to slip other amendments into the farm bill that offer them unlimited protections or undermine your basic rights. It’s time for that to end!

Remember, democracy is like a muscle – either you use it or you lose it!

Thanks for participating in food democracy,

Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! team


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